TECHNOLOGY LEADER AND INNOVATOR | SIMPLIFYING ENGINEERING & SYSTEMS | CLOUD, AUTOMATION & AI INTEGRATIONExploring the intersection of cloud, automation, and AI to drive innovation and streamline engineering. Sharing insights on technology leadership, creative projects, and personal passions – from system design to video editing and coaching.

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Part 3: Enhancing Kubernetes Security with Container Signing and Admission Control
In the previous posts, we explored the tension between the unconstrained and constrained visions and how a Kubernetes-based platform with guard rails offers a balanced approach. Now, let’s dive deeper into the practical aspects of securing this platform by...
Previous Posts
Let’s go boating!
We decided to buy a boat! After almost 12 months of searching, I stumbled across a post in the Stejcraft owner's forum on Facebook which looked interesting. The only issue; the boat was in Newcastle, NSW, not Brisbane. Over the next few weeks, we worked with the owner to...
Authenticating to a GitLab Repository
BackgroundAs many of my readers probably know, much of my work these days revolves around building, managing and supporting technical teams. However, when time permits, I love doing real technical hands-on work. In recent times, I've invested a reasonable amount of time...
Manually migrating a WordPress site
For those that don't know, my wife Britta has over the last few years built a small web design company, focusing on designing, building and deploying websites based in Brisbane Australia. The fun part of the process is designing, logos, graphics, layouts and how the user...
EOSIO Developments Series #4 – EverythingEOS Panel Review
First published on VOICE in January 2021 -> Check it out here While we can't yet dive inside the super-secret GitHub repositories, to learn more about the long-awaited financial product and other secret developments, we can view the ongoing public improvement...
EOSIO – Developments Series – #3 – BlockVault Part #2
First published on VOICE in January 2021 -> Check it out here. While we can't yet dive inside the super-secret GitHub repositories, to learn more about the long-awaited financial product and other secret developments, we can view the ongoing public improvement...
EOSIO – Developments Series – #3 – BlockVault – Part1
First published on VOICE in January 2021 -> Check it out here. While we can't yet dive inside the super-secret GitHub repositories, to learn more about the long-awaited financial product and other secret developments, we can view the ongoing public improvement...
Do Solutions Exist?
First published on VOICE in November 2020 -> Check it out here. If you work in technology, you'll have undoubtedly struck a situation which caused you to stop, take a breath and think... At that moment, you were concentrating on a problem, and the question you asked didn't...
Building Apps on EOSIO
First published on VOICE in November 2020 -> Check it out here. In August 2011, Marc Andreessen, the co-founder of Andreessen-Horowitz, stated: "Software is eating the world." The now infamous quote verbalised how technology companies were disrupting the traditional...
The Power of Software
First published on VOICE in November 2020 -> Check it out here. In August 2011, Marc Andreessen, the co-founder of Andreessen-Horowitz, stated: "Software is eating the world." The now infamous quote verbalised how technology companies were disrupting the...