Travel Plans – August

by | Aug 10, 2006 | Travel, Uncategorized

August is going to be a busy month for myself and Britty. This month we have two major trips planned,…

August is going to be a busy month for myself and Britty. This month we have two major trips planned, and we also have a big week in between our major trips.

Tomorrow we are going to Berlin for the weekend. We are leaving after Britta finishes work (hopefully a little early), and we hope to get to Berlin by about 9:30pm. We have been offered the opportunity to borrow Britty’s Dad’s Audi, which we have of course excepted! This should make the trip a little speedier! Got to love those no speed limit Autobahns.

We were able to find a Hotel in Berlin for about 60 Euros a night, which was actually much cheaper than private rooms in Hostels. It was a tough decision to make, having to decided between a 4 star hotel, and a 2 star hostel with a shared bathroom! The hotel appears to be quite central, so I am hoping the website wasn’t exaggerating the facts.

The following week is also shaping up as a busy one. On Tuesday it’s Britty’s Mum’s 50th Brithday. We are going over for cake, and then going out to dinner. Should be good. On Wednesday it is Britty’s friend Schners’s birthday, and we are going to her place for another party! Thursday is a rest day, then Friday is Britta’s Mum’s official party. The party on Friday has 130 people coming, lots of food and drink!

On Tuesday the 22nd Britty and myself are heading to Palma de Mallorca in Spain for about 10 days. We are going with Britty’s friend Corinna, who is lucky enough to have a Cousin that owns a house on the island. Corinna is house sitting, so she decided to invite a few people to stay with her. Should be a lot of fun.

While in Mallorca we are hoping to hire a car for a few days and explore the island. We will also spend a bit of time on the beach, and hopefully we will get to Palma for one or two party evenings!

Well that is August pretty much shot. The only other major event during August is the impending birth of Britty’s Sister’s first child. There is a good chance that it will pop its head out next week, but of course, no one can really be sure.

Until next time. Scott

Written By: Scott Owen

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