Restarting Prism – Version 4.1.x and Later

by | Sep 9, 2018 | HCI

One of the most popular posts on my blog is “Nutanix: Restarting Prism”, the Nutanix user interface which I wrote way back 2015. Three years is a long time in technology, especially in the hyper-converged world so I thought it was time for a quick update.

The following will enable you to restart prism services on nodes running AOS 4.1.x or later

Determine the current Prism Cluster Leader

Connect via ssh to any AOS host in your cluster and run:

[code language=”bash”]
ssh admin@{any_node_ipaddress}

[code language=”bash”]
Nutanix Controller VM
admin@{any_node_ipaddress}’s password: (default: nutanix/4u)
curl http://0:2019/prism/leader && echo


[code language=”bash”]

{“leader”:”{node_leader_ipaddress}:9080″, “is_local”:true}


{node_leader_ipaddress} is the active cluster leader for the prism service. If you’re connected to the leader AOS host, “is_local” will be true. In this case, we need to ssh to another AOS host to restart the service.

Stop the Prism Service on the Leader

Connect via ssh to the prism leader AOS host and run:

[code language=”bash”]

ssh admin@{node_leader_ipaddress}

[code language=”bash”]
Nutanix Controller VM
admin@{node_leader_ipaddress}’s password: (default: nutanix/4u)

genesis stop prism



[code language=”bash”]

2018-09-09 18:46:55.797151: Stopping prism (pids [6579, 6607, 6608, 6645, 23894, 23933])</strong>
2018-09-09 18:46:56.380999: Services running on this node:
insights_data_transfer: [6140, 6237, 6238, 6264, 6266, 6267, 6268]
cluster_health: [2016, 2017, 2108, 2109, 2111, 2112, 2114, 2115, 2119, 2120, 2122, 2123, 2134, 2152, 7234, 7259, 7260, 7938, 8013, 8014, 10985, 10986]
nutanix_guest_tools: [6980, 7025, 7026, 7038]
pithos: [5816, 5877, 5878, 5936]
cerebro: [6167, 6307, 6308, 6487]
delphi: [7924, 7979, 7980, 7981]
aplos_engine: [7745, 7805, 7806, 7807]
uhura: [6728, 6859, 6860, 6861]
acropolis: [6686, 6806, 6807, 6809]
cluster_config: [7721, 7778, 7779, 7780]
alert_manager: [6614, 6676, 6677, 6762]
stargate: [6131, 6207, 6208, 6370, 6371]
foundation: []
curator: [6252, 6353, 6354, 6443]
genesis: [2231, 2252, 2275, 2276, 3733, 3735]
lazan: [7894, 7970, 7971, 7973]
insights_server: [6134, 6197, 6198, 6321]
minerva_cvm: [7717, 7749, 7750, 7752, 7888]
snmp_manager: [6775, 6890, 6891, 6892]
mantle: [5820, 5904, 5905, 5952]
catalog: [6678, 6798, 6799, 6800]
hera: [5825, 5928, 5929]
chronos: [6211, 6325, 6326, 6372]
sys_stat_collector: [6813, 6928, 6929, 6931]
secure_file_sync: [5332, 5388, 5389, 5390]
ergon: [6146, 6258, 6259, 6261]
arithmos: [6619, 6718, 6719, 6893]
dynamic_ring_changer: [5812, 5871, 5872, 5946]
prism: []
zookeeper: [2483, 2513, 2514, 2520, 2575, 2592]
aplos: [7890, 7920, 7921, 7922, 8058, 8060]
scavenger: [3611, 3640, 3641, 3642]
ssl_terminator: [5328, 5360, 5361, 5362]
janus: [6862, 6967, 6968]
cim_service: [6610, 6666, 6667, 6683]
tunnel_manager: [6832, 6959, 6960]
cassandra: [2038, 5461, 5625, 5655, 5656]


All other services stay running, there should be no disruption to cluster storage services.

Start the Prism Service on the Leader

Stay connected to the prism leader AOS host and run:

[code language=”bash”]

cluster start
[sudo] password for admin:


[code language=”bash”]

2018-09-09 18:47:42 INFO cluster is attempting to connect to Zookeeper
2018-09-09 18:47:42 INFO cluster:2609 Executing action start on SVMs {node_1},{node_2},{node_3}
Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start: Prism

Waiting on {node_1} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_2} (Up) to start:
Waiting on {node_3} (Up, ZeusLeader) to start:


Prism should now be operational. Refresh the browser.

Hope this helps! Until next time.

Written By: Scott Owen

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