Well hello to everyone. Apologies for not writing over the past two weeks, but as most of you are aware, Britty and myself have been in Mallorca Spain for the last 8 days.
Mallorca is a beautiful place, with fantastic weather, great beaches, beautiful houses, huge boats, crystal clear water, and just a laid back holiday atmosphere. While we were away, Kiel has seen nothing but grey skies, so it was brilliant to escape for a while and enjoy some Australian like weather.
While in Mallorca we stayed at one of Britty’s friends cousins places (a huge thanks to Corinna for letting us stay with her and trusting us with her cousins house!!). It was located about 20 minutes outside Palma, the capital of Mallorca. The house was on a hill overlooking Palma. The house has 4 bedrooms, three of which have their own bathroom and court yard or balcony. The house also had a spacious outdoor area for entertaining, and an in ground pool located at the rear of the house.
We arrived on Tuesday 22nd of August in the afternoon to blue skies and warm temperatures (a far cry from what we left behind!). For the first 4 days of our stay there were 7 people staying, so Britty and myself got to sleep in the lounge room, which I might add was extremely comfortable. Even though there were 7 bodies staying in the house, things were far from cramped. Each morning, and night we would eat in the outdoor entertainment area, and on most nights we would drink and play some type of card game. We split the cost of the food and drinks between the 7 so all up it wasn’t too expensive. We also had to do the house hold jobs, my favorites were walking the dog, and keeping the beer cold!!
Everyone seemed to get on pretty well in the house, there were a few testing times, but all in all no major problems during the week. I had a great time, Britty had a great time, and we really can’t wait to go there again! If I knew Spanish it would be such an excellent place to work!
There isn’t much left to do now except post the photos. Here is part one of Mallorca 2006.

In the coming days I will post the next few pictures. Until then, keep well.