Der Hund Charlie

by | Jun 3, 2006 | Travel, Uncategorized

Hi Everyone. I don’t really have much time today because we need to do some shopping, then get to the…

Hi Everyone. I don’t really have much time today because we need to do some shopping, then get to the gym, and we have had a late start to the day because I attended my first “Over 30s” party last night at a German night club. I will tell everyone more about that in another post.

So I thought I would post a few pictures of Britta’s little puppy Charlie. Before Britty came to Australia, Charlie was quite small, but since then he has grown up. Meet “Der Hund Charlie”.

This is Charlie.

Charlie Sleeping against the wall.

Me and Charlie

Charlie deciding to sit on Britty’s sister Kerstin’s lap

Written By: Scott Owen

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