TECHNOLOGY LEADER AND INNOVATOR | SIMPLIFYING ENGINEERING & SYSTEMS | CLOUD, AUTOMATION & AI INTEGRATIONExploring the intersection of cloud, automation, and AI to drive innovation and streamline engineering. Sharing insights on technology leadership, creative projects, and personal passions – from system design to video editing and coaching.

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Authenticating to a GitLab Repository
BackgroundAs many of my readers probably know, much of my work these days revolves around building, managing and supporting technical teams. However, when time permits, I love doing real technical hands-on work. In recent times, I've invested a reasonable amount of...
Previous Posts
Poker win! Finally
Well I finally got a win over Britty in Texas Holdem! I took 3 painful defeats in a row, and was determine to get a win on the board! The victory could not have been sweeter! I was dealt a Jack and a 10. The flop brought an Ace, King and Queen! I flopped a straight which...
Stupid Movie 4
Well tonight Britty and myself decided that we would rent a movie. We went down the video store, and there really wasn't that much to choose from, so we decided it might be funny to have a bit of a laugh, and get Scary Movie 4.I have to warn everyone that this movie was...
Winter Clothes
Coming from Brisbane Australia, there really isn't much requirement for Winter clothes. Now that the season is changing here, and we are heading into Winter, I decided it was time to go out and buy some Winter clothes. So far I have purchased the following:One pair of...
Training for Work
As many of you will be aware, I am currently doing a bit of physical work, which is of course totally different to my normal day job, in IT. Well today the boss (Heini-Bagger) sent me on some excavator training. You know what everyone says, you need to crawl before you can...
Physical Work
In IT we pay people to dig and run conduits and pipes into the ground, and for good reason! Today I did some work that required me to help install pipes to a grey water tank (similar to 2 inch conduit for comms), that was buried deep in the ground. The excavator did most...
Random Comments!
It isn't like me to write a post like this, however I really can't just sit back and not say anything. I have thought about making random comments before but just never got around to it.Most Australian's that I know who live overseas keep a track of what is going on back...
I have upgraded
Well I took the plunge and decided to upgrade to the new Blogger beta. If anyone has any problems viewing the site, please feel free to make a comment.The new layout features really look good, and it seems to be integrated with gmail, and other google services. I also...
Mallorca – Part #3
Here is the final installment of the photos from Mallorca. These photos are from our final few days on the beautiful Spanish Island.We decided to head to a beach on the west coast of the Island that was recommended in my Loney Planet Travel Guide. The beach was located at...
Mallorca – Part #2
Well I have to once again apologise for taking forever to place the next installment of the Mallorca photos. I have decided to break the photos into three installments, mainly because I don't want to load up too many at once. These photos are from the middle section of the...