A few more photos from Chad’s visit!

by | Aug 8, 2006 | Travel, Uncategorized

Was just downloading the final photos from the camera, and found a few more from Chad’s visit. These were taken…

Was just downloading the final photos from the camera, and found a few more from Chad’s visit. These were taken on the last night Chad was in Kiel. We decided to go to the local pub for dinner, and a couple of drinks. Here they are.

Photo inside the Forstbaumschule. Chad, me, Ingola, Nadine sitting waiting for our food to come! We were so so hungry.

Britty and myself with Chaddy outside the Beer Garden.

Another random photo of Chad.

Chady posing with the three girls! Go Chaddy!

Bye for now. Scott

Written By: Scott Owen

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